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August 23, 2011


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Sally Eggers

I would love to have that lovely box full of Red Lead goodness.


thanks for sharing.
thats so cute

Linda K

What a Treat for Halloween love it!

Stephanie Hallit

Chris & Sharon, I rec'd my order from you today and love opening the packages. Send me more of your business cards, my art buddies keep asking where all of the cool Hallowen stamps come from. I still need to get all of your Halloween stamps! Your my favorite store!
Stephanie Hallitron Hallit.

Joan Wehmhoefer

What a fun way to celebrate Halloween! All that great stuff would make it even more scary!

Ina Good

Halloween and Red Lead can"t have a better Halloween than that!!! Lots of goodies and goblins...yum!!!

cre8ive crafter

Oh yummy! Red Lead does vintage Halloween right! Thank you so much for a chance to win :-D


just discovered you from one of the Stampington mags. excellent!

Sizzor Wizardette

Wow! A chance to win a special treat for my favorite holiday-that would be FANG-tastic!!!

Karen Jones

Oh what fun that would be, your products are awesome!


Who wouldn't love a mailbox full of Halloween fun?


Red Lead ... I. Am. Inspired.

L Bruno

Always look forward to your great news letters and all the wonderful things you have to share. One of these days I'm gonna make a trip there and see it all first hand!


How fun! I just love crafting with a spooky flair.


Cool! Who doesn't love glitter and stamps!

Barbara Rankin

Oh my gosh! I just love Halloween, and no one does it better than Red Lead.


What spooky fun for Halloween!

Melissa Davidson

Yippee!!!! Halloween Red Lead Style!!!

Bonnie Schulte

What a wonderful give away. I would love to be the lucky winner. thanks so much for the chance.

Michelle B

What fun! Thank you for the chance to win some Red Lead Halloween goodies! Trick or Treat!


Noone does Halloween like the Red Lead sisters! Hope you are both doing well! I'm jonesin' for some crafting time. The school house and bird kits I bought for you are still laying on the kitchen table. Now that school has begun, I don't know when I'll get to play! But I know I can always count on the two of you for inspiration!

Kelly W

I just love halloween and all the neat stuff available to decorate..just need more time :-)

Hope I get surprised with a boo-tiful box of goodies!

Ann Jones

Love all that you do. Get lots of inspiration watch you gals. How exciting to have a chance to win some goodies!!

Kathy Eddy

Who wouldn't want to win goodies from you gals! You've always got such yummy stuff here!

Jan Pryibil

What fun to win a spooky red lead halloween treat!!

Jill with a G

What an amazing thing! I could do so much fun with a treat like this! Love you Red Lead!


dang!! my birthday is coming up and this would be the best birthday present ever!! thanks so much for the chance to win some of your awesome stuff!!!!! xoxo


OH, how I love spooky and creepy but I love Poe the most. All the new stuff is tickleling my NEVERMORE. Hmmmmm


Kim Smith

What a wonderful giveaway, thank you! xo


BOO - YEA!!! This is awesome! Thanks for the chance :) Red Lead is the bestest! I can't wait to make some of those beautiful stars! I love me some halloween :)

Betsy Schwartz

I need to win this Halloween package because my favorite Holiday is Halloween and my favorite web sight for shopping is yours!!!

Pamela Morrison

I would love to win this since I have NOTHING halloween... Thanks for having such a great give away!

judith Cowell

great giveaway from great artists

Loretta Neemann

I absolutely love Red Lead !!!!
Everytime I travel back home to St. Louis it's a must to shop there! It's not vacation without a trip to find some goodies for my home in Omaha. I could always shop online but there is something special about the Webster Groves area and the "cuteness" of your shop that I cannot resist. I would love a chance to win anything from Red Lead !!! I can't wait till I can get back in the spring !!! God Bless you ladies ! Loretta N.

Tina Mayo

sounds like a lot fun..

Jane Ingraham

Thanks Chris and Sharon for giving away this wonderful prize!!

I'm a new crafter and would really like to have these goodies to create!


Iris Soscia

What an awesome giveaway! Thanks for a chance to win. Iris

Kim Budash

Would love to win ANYTHING from your store, I am in love with all of it. Thanks for the chance to win!!

Kim Jackson

Halloween and Red Lead. THE BEST! Thank you for amazing products and ideas!


Soo excited about this give away, thanks for the chance to win.

Kathie Kinnaman

Your "stuff" is so perfect for my mood as I get ready for school to start!


Halloween is my favorite holiday - THANKS for a chance to win a boxful full of RED LEAD GOODIES!!

Debbie Spencer

What a great way to get into the Halloween spirit! If I could, I would jump on my broom and head out to St. Louis...I love you, Red Lead!

Cheryl Rymer

Would love to win your delightful brew of Halloween treats! Just wish there was a store like Red Lead close to me here in Ohio. I'd be there all the time! Thanks for the chance to join in the creepy fun

Donna Coburn

Oh, how glad I found your products...just love it, so inspiring!!! Next to Christmas, Halloween is my favorite holiday!!!


Thanks for the chance to win this awesome prize!

Lisa Chapman

Trick or treat please!! Love your products!!

Virginia Chapman

Halloween treasures from Red Lead? Spooky but fun!

J. Harmon

You two are the best! Thank you for the chance to win!

Sue L

Halloween is my favourite time of the year, so I would love to be the winner of this treasure box, so pls count me in.

Good luck to everyone who enters.

Linda Hahn

OOOh!! How I love Halloween!! And to get a Box of Halloween from Red Lead--that would be the coooolest thing ever!!!


The perfect basket of inspiration for our annual Halloween postcard swap. Going to wiggle my nose to levitate these goodies my way :)

julie m

i like creepy, crawly, scary, spooky, icky, yukky...
so halloween is definitely a good time.

Gypsy Threads

Oh! A TREAT to be certain! I adore you guys. Pick me!
Thanks again!

Kaye Lang

Halloween Red Lead style - you just know it has to be fabulous!

Jane J.

I'm in, LOL! Who wouldn't want this box of yum?

Teresa Young

This would be a wonderful treat to receive...thanks for being such a great site to follow.

Jane Ellen

I love your stuff. It's all great. My dream is to come down for a week-end and take some classes. Halloween is my very favorite holiday (no gifts or family attached) and your card ideas are great. Thanks for sharing your talents. Jane

Dawn Kennedy

I love Halloween and have started working on a Halloween/vampire themed altered book. These treasures would be a great addition! I love your site...great ideas and products!

JoLyn Stephens

Awesome! Thanks for the chance to win.

Ginger Labry

Trick or Treat! Pick me, Pick me.


Halloween is so fun!! I love the decorations and parites and candy!! Your Halloween items are so great! Next month on my trip from Texas to Michigan, Red Lead is our FIRST stop!! I can't wait to see the store!!!

Trish DeMonge

Halloween crafting is a must for all crafters. Love your merchandise and ideas.


Would love to have some (trick or) treats from a store I used to visit when I lived in St Louis!!!

Terri B in Oregon

I need this! Halloween is my favorite! I have a million new things to make for this year!


Ghost, pumpkins and baubles and glitter OH MY!

Haunt me please!


What a great giveaway! Thanks so much for offering it.


I LOVE those stars in the picture!


Who doesn't love Halloween! Thank You for the chance to win!

Donna Gibson

I would love to win a boxful of Halloween! It's my favorite holiday!

Vicki Wilson

What a wonderful treat. Thanks for the chance to win.


Because of you I have already begun creating my Halloween tree baubles and trimmings...and that means I will be starting Christmas cards early this years and may have them finished before Christmas for once:)
Your email is the first thing I fire up the internet for on Saturday mornings. Keep it coming...REDlead is so inspiring and addictive.


Oh My! Halloween is my favorite time of year! I would loooove to win this! karen...

Sandy Herbert

I am so looking forward to Halloween. Winning the prize would be such a treat!!!

Angie Hall Haviland

Trick or Treat??? I'd bet that box is FULL of TREATS!! I'm loving all your Halloween previews!!

Lee Lynn Crowell-Payne

I LOVE everything that I have ordered. I have NEVER been disappointed w/anything that I've received. Keep up the wonderful job!

Kathie Hatfield

I love Red Lead!

Tracy Lathrop

Halloween is my favorite holiday!! And what could be better then a box full of yummyness from Redlead!! Nothing I tell you nothing!

cynthia papenfus

it was so good to stock up on your wonderful merchandise at StampAway and now it's time to enjoy the Halloween goodies! cynthia

Susie P

I love Halloween, my favorite!


Love everything... would love to win. Thank you so much.


I love all of your things.

Susan M

I love Halloween!

Amanda Gavini

Getting me all excited for Halloween!!! One of my favorite holidays!!!

Cathy Fikar

Halloween's my favorite! Those goodies would look good with your Halloween stamps I picked up at Stampaway!

pauline franco

Love all your stuff!!! May have to move to St. Louis for classes.

Carolina Garrido

Great giveaway! Yummy goodies!


You guys are great!!! Love your store, love your blog, ABSOLUTELY love your Halloween stamps and stuff!! :)
Sue I.

Christine Morgan

What a HOOT! It would be WISE to pick me! Love all that is Red Lead---thanks for the opportunity!

Cheryl Carraway

I am witchfully thinking and hoping to win the BOO-tiful Halloween giveaway~!!


Beth W

Spooktacular-the Tell Tale heart is beating fast at this house!

Angela Siburt

i would love to win this box of Halloween goodies. Halloween is my fav. Thanks for the opportunity to win

Brenda B

I just love Halloween, so this prize package looks wonderful to me!


Ooky Kooky spooky. Pick me pick me!

Kathy Hillis

Love this Halloween Stuff!!!


I am drooling like a ghoul over this give away. Love Halloween and love red lead!!!!

ann divelbiss

my mailbox needs happy stuff in it...I'd love to win !! please add my name!! thank you so much for the chance to win this generous prize!!
Ghosts,goblins,witches,tricks...oh,I so need this treat!!

linda vantassel

great store and a great give away
please count me in
linda v

Andrea Kahlenbeck

I absolutely love the vintage look of your products... and oh, the inspiration you gals give! Definately one of my favorite companies :)

Karen A.

What can I say - Love your products. Enjoyed seeing you at StampAway in Cinti - thanks for the great make-n-take - loved the Tag. Hope to win some surprises.

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